Want to sell to more people? Grow your business faster with targeted, instant support for your European marketplace expansion. Here’s how:
Our eCommerce service desk software powers support for thousands of businesses worldwide
And we don’t let them down
Amazon and eBay continue to dominate, but there’s a huge opportunity to be seized by branching out into alternative European marketplaces. The top five are Allegro, Cdiscount, Fnac, Otto, and Rakuten — all of which are supported by eDesk.
Our single, centralized inbox means your agents can respond quickly and effectively, no matter how many European platforms you’re on. Manage customer service, optimize listings, and track your store’s performance, all in one place. See for yourself with a free 14-day trial.
Break down language barriers and build better connections with eDesk’s AI Translation tool. It offers unrivalled language fluency and grammar accuracy, so you can build customer trust, wherever in Europe you’re marketing to. The outgoing message language will auto-adjust to align with the language most used by the customer in the ticket thread, or you can choose manually.
Countries across Europe market and advertise differently, so branching out across the continent is far from a one-size-fits-all approach. Having done some market research, you’ll be able to identify which countries will be most receptive to your product(s) – and how/where to speak to them in a way they’re likely to engage with. Once you’re up and running, eDesk’s powerful analytics tools will allow you to track trends, queries, and the success of your campaigns, all in real time. Find out which products are gaining the most traction — and where in Europe — so you can focus on the most rewarding listings, based on data, not guesswork.
Shipping queries and order tracking are time-consuming — especially when posting overseas, and that’s before you even consider compliance issues. eDesk’s automated ticketing system helps you reclaim your time and efficiently address shipping queries through automation, smooth workflows and AI-powered functions. You can also use it to make sure you remain EU-compliant, no matter where you’re shipping to in Europe. Happier customers, less work, more money in your pocket.
How VAT applies in Europe depends on what you’re selling, and who to. Goods and services are viewed differently, as is the distinction between selling B2B and B2C. When expanding into Europe, you’ll need to register for EU VAT, charge it where applicable, keep records, and submit a quarterly return. Businesses will have a European VAT number, while individuals won’t.
Marketplace growth
Reduction in second-line response agents.
Compliance with 24h SLA.
14-day trial • No credit card required • Guided setup