
Hoja de trucos del Viernes Negro y el Ciberlunes para vendedores de comercio electrónico

Última actualización: noviembre 22, 2024

1. Optimiza tus listados de productos

  • Titles: Include high-value keywords to enhance search visibility.
  • Descriptions: Highlight unique selling points and benefits, focusing on holiday-specific promotions.
  • Images: Use high-quality images; consider festive themes or overlays to attract seasonal buyers.

2. Establece ofertas y promociones especiales

  • Discounts: Offer limited-time discounts to create urgency.
  • Bundles: Group popular products together to increase cart value.
  • Free Shipping: Provide free shipping on orders over a certain amount to encourage larger purchases.

3. Agiliza la atención al cliente con eDesk

  • Quick Replies: Use templates to respond to FAQs and handle high volumes of inquiries.
  • Automation: Set up auto-responses for common questions and order tracking to save time.
  • Unified Inbox: Manage all customer messages from Amazon, eBay, Shopify, and other platforms in one place for efficiency.

4. Prepararse para devoluciones y reembolsos

  • Return Policy: Clearly display your holiday return policy to avoid confusion.
  • Pre-written Responses: Set up clear, friendly responses for return and refund inquiries.
  • Escalation Plan: Identify and resolve potential issues quickly to maintain positive reviews.

5. Supervisar y gestionar las revisiones

  • Feedback Requests: Use eDesk’s tools to request feedback post-purchase.
  • Address Negative Reviews: Respond quickly and professionally to resolve issues and maintain a positive seller rating.

6. Gestionar las existencias y prever la demanda

  • Stock Up: Make sure you have adequate stock for top-selling products to avoid stockouts.
  • Inventory Tracking: Use eDesk’s integration to track inventory across platforms.
  • Forecasting Tools: Use data from previous holiday seasons to forecast demand accurately.

7. Maximiza tus esfuerzos de marketing

  • Email Campaigns: Create targeted holiday campaigns highlighting exclusive deals.
  • Social Media: Boost posts showcasing limited-time offers and promote directly to followers.
  • Retargeting Ads: Remind past visitors about your products with retargeting ads.

8. Establece unas expectativas de envío realistas

  • Update Delivery Times: Display realistic delivery dates, considering the holiday rush.
  • Shipping Options: Offer expedited shipping for last-minute shoppers.
  • Communicate Delays: Proactively update customers about any potential shipping delays.

Pro Tip: Use eDesk’s analytics to track customer inquiries and feedback throughout Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This data can provide insights for next year’s strategy, helping you refine and improve your approach each season.


Agiliza tu asistencia en todos tus canales de venta