
Black Friday e Cyber Monday: Errori comuni che i venditori di eBay devono evitare

Ultimo aggiornamento: Novembre 21, 2024
Top 5 Tips to Organize Reviews for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Come venditore eBay, i tuoi concorrenti si stanno già preparando per il Black Friday e il Cyber Monday (BFCM). E tu? Non rimanere indietro: evita questi errori comuni per essere all’avanguardia e massimizzare i tuoi profitti:

1. Non prepararsi abbastanza presto

  • ❌ Mistake: Waiting until the last minute to plan promotions, update listings, or organize inventory.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Start prepping at least 6 weeks in advance. Early preparation guarantees your listings are optimized, inventory is secured, and promotions are ready to roll.

2. Ignorare l’ottimizzazione delle inserzioni per i dispositivi mobili

  • ❌ Mistake: Neglecting to optimize your eBay listings for mobile shoppers.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Make sure your listings are mobile-friendly with clear images, concise descriptions, and relevant keywords. Your competitors are already ranking higher in mobile searches—don’t miss out.

3. Non avere abbastanza scorte

  • ❌ Mistake: Running out of in-demand products early, leading to missed sales and disappointed customers.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Forecast demand based on last year’s trends and stock up on popular items. Your competitors are prepared—are you?

4. Offrire sconti confusi o deboli

  • ❌ Mistake: Complicated promotions like “Buy 3, get 2 half off” or small discounts that don’t excite shoppers.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Keep your deals simple and competitive, like “20% off everything” or straightforward BOGOs. Your competitors are making their deals irresistible—don’t let yours fall flat.

5. Scarsa ottimizzazione dei dispositivi mobili

  • ❌ Mistake: Ignoring mobile shoppers, who make up a large portion of BFCM traffic.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Make sure your eBay listings have a responsive design that works seamlessly on mobile devices.

6. Trascurare il recupero dei carrelli abbandonati

  • ❌ Mistake: Missing out on sales by not following up on abandoned carts.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Use eBay’s abandoned cart email feature to remind potential customers to complete their purchases. Your competitors are reclaiming lost sales—are you?

7. Ignorare l’email marketing

  • ❌ Mistake: Failing to leverage email to build excitement and recover sales.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Tease your promotions early and send reminder emails closer to BFCM.

8. Nessun incentivo per i clienti che ritornano

  • ❌ Mistake: Focusing only on attracting new buyers while neglecting your loyal customers.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Offer exclusive deals or early access to BFCM promotions for repeat customers.

9. Non ottimizzare il checkout

  • ❌ Mistake: Complicated checkout processes that lead to high cart abandonment.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Simplify checkout on eBay by ensuring you accept multiple payment methods and offer a guest checkout option.

10. Saltare gli annunci di retargeting

  • ❌ Mistake: Not setting up retargeting ads for visitors who browsed but didn’t buy.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Use Facebook or Google retargeting to nudge those visitors to come back and purchase.

11. Dimenticare di offrire la spedizione gratuita

  • ❌ Mistake: High shipping fees can be a dealbreaker, leading to cart abandonment.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Offer free shipping on orders over a certain amount to entice buyers.

12. Trascurare l’assistenza clienti

  • ❌ Mistake: Not providing quick customer service, especially during the busy BFCM period.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Stay responsive with live chat or fast email replies. Your competitors are offering top-tier service—don’t fall behind.

13. Nessun piano di coinvolgimento post-vendita

  • ❌ Mistake: Treating BFCM as a one-time event with no follow-up.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Follow up with customers post-purchase to encourage reviews and offer future deals.

14. Ignorare le analisi

  • ❌ Mistake: Not tracking key metrics like sales, traffic, or customer behavior during BFCM.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Use eBay’s analytics tools to monitor performance and adjust strategies.

15. Non avere una chiara politica di restituzione

  • ❌ Mistake: Confusing or hidden return policies can drive buyers away.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Be transparent with a clear and easy-to-understand returns process.

16. Dimenticare il Cyber Monday

  • ❌ Mistake: Focusing all your efforts on Black Friday while ignoring Cyber Monday.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Extend your promotions through Cyber Monday to capture even more sales.

17. Non avere abbastanza recensioni positive dei clienti

  • ❌ Mistake: Lack of verified positive reviews can undermine shopper trust, costing you sales.
  • ✅ Avoid It: Your competitors are already ramping up their reviews. Boost your ratings with tools like Feedback by eDesk to automate requests and gather more 5-star reviews.

I tuoi concorrenti sono pronti per il BFCM: tu lo sei?

Non lasciare che i tuoi concorrenti si facciano strada. Attua subito queste strategie per rendere il Black Friday e il Cyber Monday più redditizi.


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