Looking for a Help Scout alternative?

See why thousands of online sellers are choosing eDesk as a Help Scout alternative.
Having a dedicated eCommerce help desk gives you an edge over your competition.
Get native integrations with Amazon, eBay, Instagram and more without additional apps and hassle.

If you’re serious about eCommerce, join thousands of other companies who have switched to eDesk.

Forget third party plugins and workarounds.

When it comes to native integrations, there’s no comparison.

Help Scout has no marketplace integrations.

eDesk offers a robust Help Socut alternative for multichannel sellers at all stages and sizes. eDesk connects with all marketplaces, including Amazon, eBay and Walmart, and offers auto-translation in addition to all the features of Help Scout.

eDesk was built for eCommerce with native marketplace integration.

Wherever you sell online, we connect sales and support, so you can save time and sell more. eDesk offers an integrated Feedback feature to help you manage your reputation and sell more on marketplaces where reviews are vital for success.

eDesk (70+ apps & integrations)


All your messages are consolidated
into one, intuitive shared inbox.

So, what can eDesk do that Help Scout can’t?

Speed and accuracy are at the heart of amazing eCommerce customer service. While Help Scout has many great features for general use, eDesk offers features that are truly optimized for eCommerce. When all is said and done, eDesk allows you to manage more ticket volume with less agents, and grow your support capacity without growing your team.


eDesk can automatically group and prioritize all incoming tickets, so your team never has to.

No setup. No tags. No hands!

With general help desks, you can often spend precious hours creating tags and filters to organize tickets for your team—but eDesk eliminates it all for you. It combines rich order data and query types to smartly group similar tickets together so your team can focus in and get through them faster.


eDesk can slash response times with eCommerce focused smart tools and team workflows.

Magic, AI Responses

Being a support agent sometimes means answering a lot of repetitive questions each day, and we know that it can be a drag. But with eDesk you can effortlessly resolve those familliar issues in one click with intelligently pre-written A.I. responses.

Auto-responders, templates & more

Give your customers timely responses even out of hours with customisable auto-responders and messages.

Automatically assign incoming tickets to the right agent or team with powerful filtering, labelling and rules.

Personalize every message with snippets that allow agents to easily insert customer and transaction info such as customer name, order details, delivery address and more, all without having to cut and paste or look the information up.


eDesk can automatically request reviews and feedback for everywhere you sell.

Whether you’re on Amazon, eBay, your own Shopify store, or any store for that matter, online shoppers are checking your online reviews before making a decision to buy. If those stars aren’t shining those tills won’t be ringing!

But Amazon has its own review system, eBay has its own, Trustpilot is fantastic for web stores but it’s yet another system—and if you want to bolster conversions through Google search—well that’s another system.

But eDesk Feedback brings it all together! It will save hours of work each week, improve your ratings and increase your sales.


eDesk Insights can bring every sale, order, ticket and chat—from all your channels—together in one place. See your business in real-time.

Quickly get an understanding of the relationship between your products’ sales volume and value with contact rates and the number of tickets they generate.

Powerful multichannel views allow you to view, analyse and share trends across your entire business. It’s never been easier to compare performance channel by channel.

Respond faster than your competitors with eDesk