
eDesk Supports Good Grub Initiative During COVID-19

Last updated: April 27, 2022
Good Grub

eDesk is delighted to be able to make a donation to the Good Grub Initiative, an amazing not-for-profit organisation providing fresh fruit and vegetables during the COVID-19 crisis to children and young adults who are in the DEIS programme in disadvantaged communities.

A donation of just €10 can supply two families with fresh fruit and vegetables for a week, and to date the initiative has raised an incredible €400,000.

With a goal to provide 75,000 fruit and vegetable parcels weekly during the crisis, the initiative needs ongoing support from individual and corporate donors.

You can find out more about the initiative itself here and you can make a donation to a great cause on the Good Grub Go Fund Me page.

Please share the Good Grub Go Fund Me page with anyone you think might be interested in making a donation themselves.


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