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The only AI helpdesk for multichannel eCommerce

Resolves up to 72% of all sales and service queries instantly, everywhere you sell.

The only AI helpdesk for multichannel eCommerce data-lazy-srcset=

Powering support for thousands of eCommerce businesses worldwide

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Get 4x efficiency gains with our AI-powered helpdesk
4x efficiency gains with eDesk

Every conversation in one AI-enhanced inbox

Bring all your customer conversations from everywhere you sell into one place, together with full customer order history.
  1. Centralize – all your sales and messaging channels, one inbox.
  2. Personalize – leverage the customer, product and order data.
  3. Automate – improve productivity with AI automations.
  4. Collaborate – work across teams for better outcomes.
  5. Measure – improve performance with unified analytics.
  6. Achieve 5-star reviews – request reviews from your happiest customers.
Gorgias didn’t have the AI capability we needed
Prior to eDesk, we looked at Gorgias and Zendesk but quickly realized that their AI chatbot capability was very limited. With eDesk’s AI Agent we’ve seen a query deflection rate of up to 70%, which means we’re able to give customers the pre-purchase information they need instantly, enabling them to continue on their sales journey.
Tom Jeffrey
Creative Director at Wave Global
We can't live without the AI Summary feature
The introduction of the AI summary feature has allowed us to understand customers’ issues and respond very quickly. We have seen our response times improve by over 60%, even though our ticket volume had tripled.
Prabhat Rai
Co-founder at Life Interiors
Multilingual support has never been easier

With the AI translation options we have on eDesk, it’s now so much easier to provide multilingual support. We can auto-translate so it’s not always necessary to speak the customer’s language, allowing us to provide support in languages we do not cover in-house.

Tom Jeffrey
Creative Director at Wave Global
Meet Ava, the AI agent

Resolves up to 72% of sales and support queries instantly

Built for Multichannel eCommerce, Ava is your autonomous front-line sales and support agent that delivers instant, accurate customer support and recommendations 24/7.

Ava takes the heat off your support agents so they can focus on solving more complex customer issues.

Learn more

Real people, real results

Seamlessly integrate your entire tech stack without any pricey add-ons

Designed specifically for eCommerce, eDesk offers seamless integration with 300 platforms.

Our robust eCommerce API allows for custom solutions, ensuring your system works exactly how you need it. 

See how eDesk can improve your CX, your way

Take a quick tour

Not ready to connect a channel but still want to explore eDesk? Try our product tour.

Our interactive tour of a demo environment gives you a feel for how it all works – at your own pace.

  1. Test out viewing and responding to queries
  2. Get a full scope of what features and insights are available
  3. Get familiar with the product to make your setup a breeze
Access our interactive demo now
Take a quick tour

Try eDesk for free: the best way to really see how your support can improve

Sign up for a 14-day free trial and test out all of eDesk’s features – including our full AI suite.

  • Connecting a channel won’t interrupt your current processes
  • Your data is safe with us
  • Simple setup with assisted onboarding
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Try eDesk for free

Let our product specialists walk you through eDesk and answer any questions

Don’t play a guessing game of how to improve your support. Our experts are on call to listen to your pain points and find solutions, fast.

  1. 1-to-1 personalized discussion with our product experts
  2. Address individual team or business issues
  3. Discuss any questions around integrations or setup
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extraordinary support with eDesk

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